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January 2025
David J. Amiel, Cynthia L. Blitz, & Taylor G. Clough

Published in Technology and Engineering Education - Vol 2, #3.

As a growing body of research points towards the centrality of computer science (CS) to a well-rounded education, systems nationwide are working to make CS an integrated component of curricula articulated across K-12. In New Jersey, this is seen with the ratification of the latest student learning standards, which mandate that all students in the state receive some CS education. This has posed a challenge to the educational community: preparing both educational systems and individual educators to meet the expectations of CS student learning in elementary and middle schools. Herein, we share the process of planning and implementing a workshop to address both the content and pedagogical knowledge of elementary educators to deliver the new standards. We discuss considerations taken during the planning phase, including selecting a format to best support educators in an out-of-school professional learning opportunity as well as developing an agenda that enables educators to quickly mobilize learned concepts.

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Icon - Building Elementary Computer Science Educators' Capacity: A Workshop to Improve Content and Pedagogical Knowledge