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Extending the Computer Science Pipeline: Enhancing Rigor and Relevance in Middle School Computer Science

United States Department of Education

In partnership with the Rutgers University Department of Computer Science and external-evaluators at Deacon Hill Research Associates, this project aims to increase student participation in rigorous and relevant middle school computer science (CS). In turn, CESP seeks to subsequently increase CS-related interest, self-efficacy, and achievement; the project will reach over 25,500 students in grades 5-8 across more than 35 middle schools in the region. 

Biomedical Excellence Achieved through COaching Networks (BEACON)

In partnership with the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the Rutgers University Center for Effective School Practices director Dr. Cynthia Blitz is serving as co-PI on an "Investigation of Professional Coaching as an Intervention to Support the Success of Biomedical Ph.D. Students," an NIH-funded R01 grant coined BEACON. Unlike mentoring and advising, professional coaching involves a collaborative process that helps students enhance strategies, broaden perspectives, and receive feedback to maximize their potential.

Employment, Development, Guidance, and Engagement (EDGE) Program Evaluation

The Arc of Ocean County | NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

 The Rutgers University Center for Effective School Practices (CESP) is serving as the external evaluator for the Employment, Development, Guidance, and Engagement (EDGE) program, a partnership between The Arc, Ocean County Chapter, and the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI). The EDGE initiative aims to empower 120 blind and visually impaired students by facilitating their transition into independent living and career development.

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