RPPforCS Spotlight: The CS-TLC
September 2021
Published by the RPP for CS Organization, funded by CSforAll, as part of the RPP Spotlight Series.
Published by the RPP for CS Organization, funded by CSforAll, as part of the RPP Spotlight Series.
Created as part of the Research Brief Series from the Center for Effective School Practices.
Experience report presented at The Annual Conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) 2021.
Whitepaper published through the 100k in 10 Grand Challenges Initiative.
This whitepaper explores the results of a national survey of school teachers and administrators in relation to providing and receiving professional learning in rural school districts. Ideas are explored along the axes of decision-making in professional learning, the job-embedded nature of professional learning, quality, and school culture.
Presented at SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.